good day readers.. ive been neglecting this blog quite sometime because of the lack of time for me to write.. furthermore, nothing interesting that happen in mylife that i can share.. ok ok.. there are a few things that happen to me recently.. good and bad and something in between.. for this entry i just wanna share bout my love life these past 25 years of mylife..
ahh.. penat laa nk tulis dalam english.. tapikan english aku cane? ok ke? korang paham x ape yang aku tulis tuh? ke kena guna kamus oxford tebal2 tuh.. yela manala tau ayat2 aku tu da macam tulisan william shakespear plak ke kan.. muahaha.. sebenarnye aku nak cakap pasal ape td ek? ohh love life aku kn..actually tadela menarik pn cite aku ni smpaikan kalo dR Rozmey baca xde nye dia nak wat filem kisah aku ni.. "Kamal: The Untold True Story" pecah panggung x agaknye.. haha..
since zaman sekolah i have no luck when its comes to love.. biase la aku ni kalo org nak jadikan bf kene pikir 8juta kali kot.. dah la x kacak, gemok lak tuh.. selekehh.. sape je la yang suka kan.. so kebanyakkan gadis-gadis melayu yang aku minat time skola dulu merijek aku tanpa belas kasihan.. haha.. dari sekola rendah membawa kepada sekola mnengah xde pon gadis yang tsangkut kt mata kail aku nih.. hahaha.. so zaman sekola aku agak big L on the forehead la kot.. brape ek gadis2 yang aku try ejas time skola.. malas nak kire la.. mostly sume tu kawan2 jugak laa.. xde yang blind date ke hape even zaman tu mirc tersangat lah feymes nye dikalangan muda mudi dulu.. btw, ade sesape lagi ke yang main mirc tuh? nick aku dulu empty-can.. try laa buzz..( ade buzz ke ek.. ke tu YM je.. haha)

berganjak kepada zaman selepas sekolah plak.. aku lpas skola trus msuk matrix.. thun 2003 kalo x silap.. aku kene blaja kt KMPP.. so time kat matrix ni tetiba ade gadis dari sekolah thn lepas msg aku.. so aku pon reply la mcm biase.. ntah cane leh lak tny die cane ngn bf die.. so baru la dpat tau yang diorg da putus/break da rupenye..so pastu aku msuk line la ngn gadis ni.. to my surprise she accepted my proposal.. ok at that time aku nervous okeh.. yela xpenah kapel kot, mane tau nk wtpe sume.. muahaha.. so at the end kitorang x lama pn.. x smp sebulan kot rasenye.. adehh lupa laa plak..sebab ape putus pn ta brape nak ingat laa.. hakhak.. ape2 pn there goes my 1st gf in mylife.. and yg penting kami masih lg best fren smp skang..
lpas matrix kita masuk ke zaman universiti plak..zaman uni plak ade gk la tsangkut ngn gadis2 kat sana.. tapi last2 ada jugak yang tersangkut.. hehe.. so kisah aku ngn dia bermula pd tahun 2006.. segala nya indah masa zaman uni dulu.. yela.. sape x syok masa zaman bechenta dulu kan.. tp bila da masuk alam pkerjaan sume nye da lain.. komitmen katanya.. sehingga satu hari beliau meminta putus dgn alasan penat nak melayan.. yaa aku memang seorang yg suka merajuk dan dipujuk dan dimanjakan.. (statement xleh blah..aahahahaha..) so even da putus aku still wat macam2 ntuk win her back.. ive tried almost anything.. tapi sumenye hanya dipandang sepi.. mmg sedey time ni.. finally reason yang utama die putus ialah sbb aku x stabil.. and die tersuka dgn someone yang hebat pada mata dia.. yela aku ni bkn laa baik sgt pon kn.. mst la dia nk carik yg baik kn.. so kami sudah jarang contact.. jarang msg kol apetah lg.. lagipun dia rimas bila aku keep on texting..bila dah makin jauh im used to the fact that she is not around and the feeling is fading away from me.. im afraid of this and keep on denying it.. but eventually i know that the feeling is fading.. by the time she try to win me back i didnt feels anything.. so we go with seperate ways now.. unlike my previous exgf, i think she cant be fren with me again.. so thats the end of it..

dalam bulan april tahun 2009 aku join satu program ni.. Graduate Employbailty and Managment Scheme atau nama glemer nye GEMS ( aku hangin btol kalo org dok sebut GERMS.. tu kuman lahh wehh..) kat sini aku bekenalan ngan my current and hopefully forever n ever n ever gf.. tapi kami xrapat pon time kt program tuh.. lpas tu baru kami rapat.. dok msg2 and kol kekadang.. masa krisis ngn ex gf sebelum ni, kt dia jgak laa tmpat ngadu.. die layankan je aku.. hehe.. but when its come to love, sgt berbagai2 dugaan yang ada.. its so complicated..until now even we are happy together tp at some point everything got messed up again.. but after that we get happy again..more happy than before.. weird isnt it? hee.. i never felt in love like this before.. die sgt rajin melayankn aku.. cian kt die... hehehe

so thats it.. the comprehensive guide to my love life.. nutting interesting bcoz this is the edit version.. muahaha.. kalau ade produser2 filem ke.. penulis skrip kt luar sana yang berminat ngan cerita nih bleh emailkan contact anda kepada aku.. bleh bg crita full yang uncut nyer version.. muahaha.. fuhh pnjang suda entry nih.. ape2 pn doakan kami bahagia selama2 nye yek.. aminnnn~
akhir kata terimalah lirik lagu ini.. ia juga merupakan lagu tema kami.. hee~ :P
Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant, It Makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliance Please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, Don't you let it pass you by
p/s: cepat2 sape dapat teka ni lagu hape? heee.. sape dapat teka beliau akan dapat nyanyian lagu ni eksklusif dari aku..